Saturday, May 25, 2019

Identify laws of motion thermodynamics Essay

The first example is oscillating a pendulum, which is categorized in the constabulary of gesticulate due to the butt remaining in that state unless an external force is applied. The second example stating cooling food and drinks in a refrigerator is categorized in the laws of Thermodynamics due to thermalization. The third example of using the coffee gainr can be a combination of both laws due to moving touching to coffeemaker to make create an action is Law of Motion, however, if we were heating the coffee to change the temperature, then this becomes law of Thermodynamics.The forth example is heating dinner which is Thermodynamics due to using temperature as our factor. The next example is heading a football, which uses the second law of motion, which is when velocities change when force is applied. The next example of throwing a baseball is the same concept, which is law of motion due to applying force.The last example of slamming on your brakes is the third law of motion, which is for all action there is an equal or opposite reaction. Thermodynamics can be described as the three laws, which physically use temperature, energy (Kinetic and potential energy) and entropy. The three laws of Motion can be described as the first every object will remain in its original state unless an external force is applied.The second law of motion is the exact calculations of when forces are applied to an object and how velocities change. The third law of motion is for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. Reference 1.Galloway, J. (2013). Physics for biosciences. Sydney Pearson Australia

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